You may ask why. My heart skinks whenever I think of it. Hayleigh is 19 months and now learning to interact with other kids, but food gets in the way. Toddlers naturally want to share their food and grab food others are eating. Food falls on the ground and ends up on their clothes, hands and face. For a regular kid this is no problem.
However for us these are all problems in more ways than one. To list a few:
1. Hayleigh looks on as other kids eat and says things like "Dylan eating food" and she cannot understand why she cannot have any. SHe looks on with interest and sadness at the same time.
2. Children share food with her and I have to run quickly before she takes it and it confuses both the kid and her. The kid is sharing and I am telling them no and for Hayls she is wondering why mummy just took the item she was going to receive.
3. Children share sippy cups and bottles and this is a big issue. The cups could have juice or milk in them. Even if it just has water other children have oils and left over food on their mouths and lips. Something as simple as Hayls sharing a cup with these things on them could affect a food trail and I then have no idea if she failed a new food or if something else caused a issue.
4. She still puts things in her mouth and crumbs and food items on the ground are something I constantly have to look out for. Try having 4 toddlers together eating and this makes it even harder.
5. Psychologically it takes a toll on her self esteem because she is set apart (even physically when food is around) from the other children.
It makes my heart sink every time I think of it and it feels even worse to have to put her through these situations. Hence I try my best to avoid them but at the same time I try to not avoid them because this just may be her life. I try to stay positive and not think of how simple life is for these other parents. I try not to think of how we are going to do her birthday without much food. I tuck away my heavy heart and move on because we have so much to be thankful for............
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