Wednesday, November 28, 2012


For those of you who have kids without poop issues feel free to stop reading here. For those of you in my shoes it is one more thing that GAPs helps.

If you have a child anywhere on the PI spectrum, from MSPI to EGID you know poop usually consumes your daily life......

Well it did for a long time, but not any more! It is rare for us to see the burn-your-skin-off-after-a-few-seconds-of-contact-in-the-diaper-poop in our house anymore.

GAPs is healing the kids and sensitivities to foods are not violent severe reactions that they once were. They are there because we are still healing but they are not sending me into panic mode anymore.

The reason for this post was to say, since the first day of bringing a baby into our house we have finally had a "normal" smelling poop!!!!

This is HUGE and means gut bacteria is slowly but surely being balanced out! Which means this just may be the last post on this blog ever about poop!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Grateful in many ways...

It has been a crazy year filled with many challenges for the kids and I. We spent the summer prepping for our move from the West Coast to the North East. We left the West Coast mid august and by the end  of August we found a place in the North East. The kids missed the West Coast and unfortunately (and fortunately) the North East did not work out for a few reasons. By the weekend of October 26th we evacuated the kids to Florida due to Hurricane Sandy. We just could not risk being without power indefinitely with their mainly meat diet. The kids and I have not been back since. Once again we have moved. Within 3 months we have lived in three different states! It has been tough on us all, but the kids are finally settling here and I think they will enjoy their first winter without any playing in the snow just fine. They love the beach.

Now onto all the things we are grateful for!

1. We are thankful for our wonderful family and friends who have been there for us always, and especially new friends who have helped us with these moves without really knowing us for long. Without their help I don't think we would be where we are today!

2. We have had to leave friends (who are like family) behind on the West coast and our hearts are still there. We miss you all! However we are thankful to be close to family here. The kids can grow up like I did with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents around more often, and our West Coast friends can come visit.

3. I am ever grateful for wonderful online support community for healing using GAPs! Every day we move a step forward and sometimes backwards but these families support each other through the good and bad.

4. I am thankful because the kids are CHEWING!!!! Both children have oral sensory problems and for a long time could not chew. Textures are an on going battle, however they are both CHEWING meat! We have come a long way from children who would gag and regurgitate meat pureed finer than baby food. It has taken one year and three months to get here and it feels wonderful! They only chew ground lamb or beef but that is not a problem because we can ground any cut of meat and I can hide new vegetables into the meat (they do not like trying new foods)

5. Last but not least. The kids are EATING more than two foods!!!!!! If you look at the list of what the kids eat you would see it has grown quiet a bit! We had a goal of a few foods this year and I think we have surpassed that goal. It seems like from here on out we are going to be moving on up! It has not been easy and has been filled with many bumps and hiccups. However we are getting there and that is all that matters.

Slow and steady!

Once we settle into our new place more time will finally be allocated to updates.