Friday, April 15, 2011

Wonderful support team!

It is easy to get caught up in the difficult and heart wrenching aspect of having two children with a chronic disorder.
However when you have a wonderful support network ( filled with parents and family who fly across thousands of miles to help, cousins and friends who listen day in and day out to your struggles, siblings who lend a hand, friends and neighbors who step up to help any way they can, friends on the other side of the country who call after what they thought was a sad blog to be sure you are OK, friends and fellow FPIES moms who listen and help even when their plate is fuller than it ever should be, friends who follow our journey and send words of encouragement and a husband who makes a thunder storm feel like a slight drizzle) things just seem a little bit brighter and life gets a little easier.
I am taking a break right now, right this moment. A break from FPIES, and break from all the medical jargon, the medical research, the constant thinking ......thinking...... this break my heart is filled...........
It is filled with joy and I am grateful for all that I have going for me, for the kids and for my family. We are blessed in many ways and FPIES just happens to be on our plate.
We have a great support team and we love each and every one of you!

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