When she was younger and we were trying to figure out what was going on with her she would not sleep. Not during the day, not during the night. It used to take over an hour to get her too sleep sometimes two. We would have to feed her then hold her upright for about thirty minutes then try to rock her to sleep. Eventually when we did get her to sleep we would bring her tucker wedge next to or in our bed so we could pat her back or give her the binky every twenty or thirty minutes or on a good night every hour or two. I have no idea how we made it through those nights for over a year.
Now, at almost two, we lay in bed with her to fall asleep and on a good night she is asleep in fifteen minutes but most nights it takes thirty to forty minutes and some nights it can be as much as ninety minutes.
She keeps her eyes open as long as possible when falling asleep. She is beyond tired but won't close her eyes and it drives me crazy. Then I think back to those nights of her crying and not sleeping. I think why would she want to sleep if she knows she would wake in pain? Now we only have those nights when she is having a reaction or something is just not right. On average she wakes every three hours for 5 ozs of elecare and these nights are good ones.
Hopefully the nights of waking in pain are going to become far less common and one day she will no longer be afraid of sleep.
aww! afraid of sleep! :( poor baby. But amazing insight, mama. Hmmm....has me thinking...