Over the course of our journey I always felt like the over concerned parent and the last few months I have become somewhat laid back where as her pediatrician is now the one overly concerned. Which I am not complaining about at least now we have someone who is really listening and paying attention. So I brought up the fact that we do not have a team of Drs. Most kids with MPI and reactions to most food have at least a Pedi, GI and allergist, but have not found a GI or allergist knowledgeable about PI or EGIDs here. Her Pedi, Dr. B said she would work on it and I was surprised when I got a call only 1 hour after getting home from our appointment saying she had set up for us to see a GI who said he knows about MPI and EGI disorders. We have seen this GI before but Hayls was only 4 months old at the time and he said she didn't have GERD (which she does), but we are willing to see him again now that she is older and hopefully get some insight. If for some reason we do not get what we are looking for support wise Dr. B said she would be willing to look for someone else. Hopefully she will also contact the allergist I heard about in Stanford. We are keeping our fingers crossed and if not we have some work to do to get a good team of Drs going.
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